Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Teen smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Adolescent smoking - Essay Example As a kid, I woke up to my dad hacking wildly. I would in every case obediently inquire as to whether he was alright, to which he addressed truly, quieting any of my waiting complaints. What would I be able to have done another way? Subsequent to thinking about my dads passing, I have come to understand that if the laws were written in such a manner to force serious discipline upon high school smokers, nobody else would need to bite the dust from this moderate murdering maladies. With laws set up to get early clients before they become life-time clients, a large number of future smokers would be stayed away from because of such laws. Why not treat cigarette smoking like one would treat liquor use ? Our laws administering liquor use is to such an extent that nobody younger than 21 can purchase or expend liquor Similarly, if a grown-up beyond 21 a years old a minor with liquor, they can be energized and fined to $1,000 for every minor that they furnished with liquor. On the off chance that a youngster goes through a night in prison for smoking unlawfully, at that point maybe the person would mull over ever getting a cigarette again. Moreover, the attaching of fines to a minor who has utilized a phony ID or an intermediary to determine cigarettes. Generally when somebody is compelled to pay a fine for a crime or is set waiting on the post trial process, their probability of doing likewise again gets insignificant. Then again, maybe the police should fine the young person. In â€Å"Teen Smokers Should Worry About Fines,†Eric Zorn recommends, This isnt another thought. Little guy laws-so named on the grounds that they boycott the buy, use and ownership tobacco by minors-have been around for quite a long time. Chicagos dates to 1992 and requires a $25 fine for the first offense(1) Certainly if these fines are the law, Ive never known about it - chiefly on the grounds that the cops don't uphold the resolutions. In the Zorn article, Professor Leonard from DePaul University in Chicago uncovers that if the PUP laws had been effectively authorized, various young people would have stopped quite a while in the past - or maybe
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Virtues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ideals - Essay Example Despite the fact that ‘pleasure’ and ‘happiness’ are some of the time utilized conversely, they are totally extraordinary in their implications. Delight is something passing that is accomplished by accomplishing something outside, such as having a decent feast, messing around with companions or playing sports. Bliss then again is inside unbound by the passing joys. An individual may have feel brief delights yet he can possibly accomplish bliss on the off chance that he feels inside fulfilled and substance with his day by day life (Paul, 2006). Aristotle was one of the most punctual individual to characterize what ethics really depend on. As per Aristotle, the ideals are really a harmony between two indecencies which could likewise be called as the limits of those excellencies. The parity point between the two indecencies is known as the brilliant mean which may lie in the center, or close to one of the boundaries. There are eleven ideals as characterized by Aristotle every one of which should lie between two indecencies. As indicated by Aristotle, fortitude is an ideals limited by the two boundaries of imprudence and weakness (IEP, 2005) . For instance, an individual is a quitter on the off potential for success that he can't have up for his own privileges or rash in the event that he is excessively wild with his push to face the power. Fearlessness is the goodness that lies between these two limits and the individual is gallant in the event that he holds his feelings under wraps and doesn't turn out to be excessively care less in his
Monday, July 27, 2020
What are Balloon Payments
What are Balloon Payments What are Balloon Payments? What are Balloon Payments?Don’t let your loan blow up in your face.Balloons are wonderful, aren’t they? While adults may understand that balloons float because they are filled with a gas that is lighter than air, to children, balloons might as well be magic. Children love balloons, even after they realize they won’t be able to fly with them no matter how many they hold at once.Unfortunately, as we age, not only do we begin to understand how balloons work, but it may come to light that there are some dangerous balloons out there. These dangerous balloons include hot air balloons and balloon payments. However, today we will only be talking about one of these: balloon payments.Balloon paymentsA traditional amortized or installment loan is structured so the borrower pays off part of the principal (or original amount borrowed) and interest in regular, consistent amounts. That means the borrower will be able to pay off the entire loan in a known time frame without any surprises. Ball oon loans are different than traditional amortized loans.“Instead of fixed monthly borrowing payments that gradually eliminate debts and establish credit, balloon loans are paid off with large single payments when a loan has reached maturity,†warned Beverly Friedmann, content manager for ReviewingThis.These are called “balloon payments†because the last payment is inflated relative to the previous payments the borrower has been makingâ€"significantly inflated, as Friedmann explained. “Balloon payments are typically at least twice the amount of a loans prior regular payments,†she said. “They can apply to mortgages, business financing, commercial loans, and other types of amortized loans (i.e. auto payments).â€Risky businessIt is vital that you know if you will be facing a balloon payment at the end of your loan payments so you can have enough money set aside to pay for the increase. However, even if you did have the foresight to set aside money, you might still end u p in trouble.“The greatest risk with balloon mortgages is that the property goes down in value, rather than appreciating,†said Brian Davis, co-founder of SparkRental.com. “In that case, the borrower often can’t refinance or sell without taking a loss.â€While mortgages with balloon payments may have better initial rates, the risks should not be underestimated.Consider your optionsBrain Davis made it quite clear that you are going to want to avoid balloon payments if possible: “Unless borrowers know for a fact that they will be selling the property within the balloon period, I recommend they avoid balloon mortgages and take out a 15- or 30-year fixed mortgage.â€What other options could you consider? Here are a few possibilities.Selling your home: “Selling whatever property was loaned (i.e. a home, car) is another option prior to an impending balloon payment if you dont have the funds to cover it,†Friedmann advised. “In the case of homeownership, this is often to av oid foreclosure and/or filing for bankruptcy.†However, the housing market may help to determine if this is a wise option. “This can be a difficult process if the housing market has changed since you invested in your property, and you may find yourself making less than what you paid into it in the first place.â€Refinancing: “If youre in good financial and credit standing, you may decide to refinance your balloon payment by taking out another loan,†Friedmann said. “This new loan may add several years to your repayment structure plan, allowing you some time to restructure your finances into a more feasible and longer term payback system. You might even refinance a home loan into a long term mortgage. The only drawbacks to refinancing is that your interest rates might rise, and you wont be able to utilize this option without good credit, income, and assets.â€Wait on buying: It might be worth holding off on buying a home for now. While you may have been told that renting is equivalent to throwing your money away, this is not necessarily the case. Homeownership comes with many unexpected costs, so if you are not certain that you will be staying in the home for a long time, then it is probably smart to rent for now.The American DreamOwning a home has long been part of the American Dream, and there are a lot of mortgage brokers who are willing to take advantage of the desire for a home to stick you into a loan you can not manage. Always do your research and consult whichever experts you can before you lock yourself into any financial commitment, especially if it is as large and lengthy as a mortgage.ContributorsBeverly Friedmann works as a content manager for the consumer website ReviewingThis, has a background in sales and marketing management, and is from New York, NY. Find more information on Twitter @ReviewingThis.G. Brian Davis is a landlord, personal finance writer, and co-founder of SparkRental.com, which provides free video courses and re ntal investing tools for landlords. He spends most of the year overseas, splitting his time between Abu Dhabi, Europe, and his hometown of Baltimore.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Violence in the Media Essays - 684 Words
In 1884, a man by the name of Paul Nipkow invented a device called the scanning disk. Little did Nipkow know that years later his invention would be transformed into one of the most popular pastimes in America today (Inventors). Philo T. Farnsworth was the true inventor of television in 1927. He had no idea that thirty-five years later his inventions would not only be in ninety percent of Americans homes, but also strongly effect everyone that watched it. Following the introduction of television into the United States, the annual homicide rate increased by ninety-three percent(Journal of the American Medical Association). With the invention of television came the job of broadcasting shows on to the television. Broadcasters soon†¦show more content†¦The main conflict with whats being broadcast is the amount of violence being projected to the kids of America. Some people say, Its just TV and its not real others say How does my elementary age kid know it is not reality? This is where the controversy is drawn on whether or not television violence affects the actions of kids who watch TV on a regular basis. Ted Turner CEO of Turner Network Television and Cable News Network was quoted as saying that,TV is the single most significant factor contributing to violence in America.. The number of violent acts the average American child sees on TV by the age eighteen is two hundred thousand (Real). Average time per week that the American child spends watching television: nineteen hours and forty minutes. Number of murders witnessed by children on television by the age 18: 16,000, Percent of youth violence directly attributed to TV viewing is 10 percent (Real). These are just a few of the numerous amounts of statistics of Television violence. Even though these statistics send chills to our spines while reading them. Americas still seems to turn their eyes away from the problem. While America in denial of the effects of this violence projected on TV, the television industry feed children with more and more violence. 80 percent of Hollywood executives believe that there is a link between TVSho w MoreRelatedMedia Violence And The Media Essay864 Words  | 4 PagesExposure to the media violence may be especially problematic in late adolescence. Television and other media play a major role in adolescent socialization and identity development by providing perspectives, values, ideologies, and behavior models (Arnett G., Roberts D. et al.). The socializing role of television in particular may be ampliï ¬ ed by the large amount of time young people spend with this medium. Speciï ¬ cally, 18- to 24-year-olds spend more time watching television and movies than youngerRead MoreMedia, Violence, And Violence Essay1892 Words  | 8 Pageswould be the media. Media and violence are both very wide and broad concepts that have massive impacts in our society, and it is important to distinguish their relationship with each other. The types of media are things such as violent video games, films, newspapers, magazines and television. One particular type of media that is often very problematized is violent video games. Different studies have shown convincing and unconvincing correlational in regards to the media and violence, but to whomRead MoreMedia, Violence, And Violence Essay1949 Words  | 8 Pageswould be the media. Media and violence are both very wide and broad concepts that have massive impacts in our society, and it is important to distinguish their relationship with each other. The types of media are things such as violent video games, films, newspapers, magazines and television. One particular type of media that is often very problematized is violent video games. Different studies have shown convincing and unconvincing correlational in regards to the media and violence, but to whomRead MoreViolence in the Media1047 Words  | 5 Pagesa law that bans violence in the media: in movies, on TV, in video games, and on the Internet? Adi Shimony Golden Gate University Today, media take a major part of our lives, shape our society and create reality. The Banning violence in the media is an efficient approach the government should take to handle the growing violence in our society. I argue that the US Government should make a law that bans violence in the media. The law needs to limit broadcasting of violence content at timesRead MoreMedia Violence1105 Words  | 5 Pages Censorship of Violence in Popular Entertainment is NOT Justified â€Å"When I was at church they taught me something else/ If you preach hate at the service those words arent anointed/ That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned/ When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless/ Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen/ I might not be the same, but thats not important/ No freedom till were equal, damn right I support it.†These are lyrics from a songRead MoreMedia Violence1535 Words  | 7 Pagesat looking at the potentially harmful effects of the consumption of violent media and the impact it has on psychological factors. Two psychological factors that have been researched are empathy and aggression and how violent media influences these two emotions. 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At first glance, the debate is dominated by one question. Whether or not media violence causes real life violence and whether or not it has a negative effect of the modern day Canadian family. Closer examination reveals a political battle. On one hand, there are those who blame media violence for societal violence and want to censor violent content to protect our childrenRead MoreThe Violence Of The Media2018 Words  | 9 Pagesit was intended. With so many media outlets present in everyday life, it is not hard to imagine there being many concerns regarding violence in the media. This essay looks to explore why there is concerns regarding violence in the media, focusing on the glorification of violence. The essay will also look at the different types of media outlets, i.e. the music industry, film, television, internet and gaming, and how each of them may present a glorification of violence. The essay will look at the caseRead MoreMedia Violence And Crime Violence1168 Words  | 5 PagesMedia Violence and Crimes There are few debates that have been contentious for so long as the debate of whether violent medias contribute meaningfully to crimes. Because of the majority of shooting events committed by younger shooters, many politicians regard cultural effects as a potential contributing factor, while others dismiss media as a contributing factor. Within the social science community, a similar division exists (Ferguson, 2015). For example, some professional supporting groups, like
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Change Essay - 1144 Words
â€Å"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending†. Maria Robinson’s quote can be applied to the concept of change as anyone can alter the way they are in their lives and become something new. Change is a state of transformation which results in a fundamental shift in the way we perceive and interact with the world. It is the process of being made different, altered in appearance, turned into something or someone new. The concept of change is very important in our lives as it gives us new experiences whether it be positive or negative. Change can be explored in the poem â€Å"Remember me?†by Ray Mather, â€Å"My father began as a god†by Ian Mudie, â€Å"Originally†by Carol Ann Duffy and in the pros fiction†¦show more content†¦Repetition of the word â€Å"strange†shows the audience the poet’s point of view about his father and how his perspective had changed from when he wa s younger. His perspective started of as a positive one seeing his dad as a god until he grew older and a negative perspective had been developed as seeing his father as foolish and outdated. This relates to the concept of change as the poet’s view of his father has been altered as he has grown up. The poem â€Å"Originally†by Carol Ann Duffy implies a journey of changes. It creates an allure for the reader to ponder what the catalyst for change is in this poem. The use of personification â€Å"the miles rushed back to the city†is used to show an uncertain journey and reinforce her desire to return home. It shows a sense of displacement from where she had just left which emphasises loss and isolation for the poet. This relates to the concept of change as there is a shift from one place to another in the poem. The poet uses repetition in the poem quoting â€Å"home, home†which is used to emphasise that the poet is going through a time of change and wants to return to her original place being home. This relates to the concept of change as there is a shift in ones life from one place to another as shown in the poem. The pros fiction â€Å"Sky high†by Hannah Roberts uses the technique simile â€Å"shirts like coloured flags in secret code†to show her own personal childhood experiences and her perspectives as a child. This relates to theShow MoreRelatedChange Essay1439 Words  | 6 PagesChange We dont continue on as we are. We change and are forever changing if we dont change we dont grow. If we dont grow, we arent really living Gail Sheehy, suggests that for change to work efficiently we must learn from what has happened in the past. Change can be a positive force, we have the power to change to create world peace, and on the other hand change can be negative. Having to change your lifestyle after being paralysed in a car accident. ImRead More Change Essay865 Words  | 4 Pages Change is something that is constantly occurring in our lives. Not a single moment goes by when everything in our lives will remain consistent. Indeed, it has become apparent to us that the only thing which in fact survives change, is change itself. Time and experience allows change to eventually reform and alter everything from the way it originally was. From ourselves physically, to those around us emotionally, to the way in which we perceive the entirety of the world everything it eventuallyRead MoreChanges in Life Essay562 Words  | 3 PagesIn my life, I have been exposed to a challenge called change. Change can occur in many different ways and is dealt with in many different ways. I have come to the awareness that change can be the deepest of all things. I always thought that change occurred when you moved to a state or when you lost someone real close to you. Those are a challenge to change, yes, but change doesn’t have to occur over a climactic incident. It can just appear overnight when your brain winds up when it’s time toRead MoreChanges In Fashion Essay1418 Words  | 6 PagesMany people care about fashion and how they look. As we can see lately, fashion has had a great change over the years. As the historical changes, fashion seems to show aspect changes in adapting to the new era. Even today, as years pass, fashion continues to change. Looking at fashion, even after many years had passed, people can see the different styles between today and life back then. Everyone cares about how they look and what kind of clothes they wear, it has always been an important part ofRead MoreThe Struggles of Change Essay875 Words  | 4 Pageshistory, there exists many occurrences of change. Some of these changes are positive while others are negative. Nevertheless, as each change occurs, it must undergo struggles to become accepted. One example of the struggles of change that is seen in today’s society is the ongoing fight for religious freedom. Another change that is currently facing obstacles is the fight to change policies that raise the question of equality. Lastly, another struggle for change is the conflict that is occurring in orderRead MoreEssay on Friendship and Ch ange957 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Narrative- Friendship and Change Oh, I think I see her. Is it? Yes that’s her. Finally, after three long months my best friend, of 18 years, has finally returned to me. That’s actually the way I felt. Her and I have a strange relationship. I’ve always considered her mine and she pretty much owned me too. It had worked really well for the both us, until now. Running past me without even a second glimpse she jumped full force into the arms of her older brother. The three of us hadRead MoreEssay on Organizational Change875 Words  | 4 PagesOrganizational Change Change can be a difficult transition however in the world of business whether it is planned or unplanned one can expect change to happen. 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The character of Bamforth in the play The Long, The Short and The tall, by Willis Hall is a complex oneRead MoreCareer Change Essay4488 Words  | 18 Pagesdifferent stage in their career and life than people that is at age 25 or 45. A career change after age 40 can be a tricky situation. In this stage, people will decide whether to continue along the same track because it is comfortable familiar and secure or change into the other career since there is an opportunity to pursue new personal or professional goals. This stage is called as middle career years or mid-career change. According to OUM textbook, mid-career means re-appraise early career and earlyRead MoreProposing a Change Essay examples1235 Words  | 5 PagesFinding acceptance seems to be a vital factor in the world today. It has the power to motivate people to make major changes in the way they think, live, dress, and look. We see the most changes in beauty and fashion because American media influences people to be more like â€Å"perfect†stereotypes, such as celebrities. Following these stereotypes gives a sense of belonging to people that have been ridiculed all their lives, but they fail to realize that a person should be free to look and dress as they
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assessing Contamination Of The Great Lakes Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
Worlds are changing the Earth ‘s environment in dramatic and progressively permeant ways ( Vasseur, et Al. 2002 ) . The ever-increasing human population, along with an explosive addition in ingestion, exacerbates the impact on aquatic and tellurian ecosystems as a consequence of land usage from agribusiness and human colony, natural resource usage, transit and diversion, waste from domestic, municipal and industrial development ( Vasseur, et Al. We will write a custom essay sample on Assessing Contamination Of The Great Lakes Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2002 ) . There is now abundant grounds that ecosystems at regional and planetary degrees have become extremely stressed and dysfunctional ( Rapport, Costanza and McMichael 1998 ) . For illustration, the widespread dispersion of man-made chemicals may be changing carnal endocrine and immune systems that are needed for normal growing, development and disease opposition ( Vasseur, et Al. 2002 ) . Additionally, decrease in biodiversity could extinguish anchor species, create discontinuities in ecosystem food and energy tracts, and enhance exposures to important losingss of ecosystem services following anthropogenetic perturbations ( Vasseur, et Al. 2002 ) . The services provided by ecosystems are highly of import to human public assistance ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . These stressed, degraded and disrupted ecosystems have and could go on to ensue in dramatic ecological, wellness, economic and societal impacts ( Vasseur, et Al. 2002 ) . The Great Lakes constitute the largest organic structure of surface fresh water on Earth and is one of the most valuable natural resources ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . The Great Lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario are freshwater inland seas of huge importance for H2O ingestion, diversion, piscaries, power, transit, and many other utilizations ( EPA, National Water Quality Inventory: Report to Congress 2009 ) . The Great Lakes are besides a major industrial and agricultural part of North America ( EPA, Where Would We Be Without the Great Lakes? 2010 ) . A statement sing the position of the Great Lakes found in the â€Å" National Water Quality Inventory: Report to Congress in 2009 †says: â€Å" Of the eight provinces surrounding the Great Lakes, six reported on the status of their Great Lakes shoreline stat mis. About 1,070 of 5,521 entire Great Lakes shoreline stat mis were assessed in 2004, and of these, 93 % were reported as impaired. The prima causes of damage included PCBs, toxic organics, pesticides, and dioxins †Since the 1970 ‘s, supervising informations have shown the presence of waterborne toxic chemicals in the biology of the Great Lakes through the procedures of bioaccumulation and bioconcentration ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . The effect of these developments is the beginning for public and scientific concern over how and to what extent the wellness of wildlife and worlds in the Great Lakes basin may be affected by exposure to environmental contaminations ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . Chemical pollution is a job on a planetary graduated table that occurs about everywhere people live ( Keller 2011 ) . Whether a dismissed chemical is harmful to the aquatic environment depends on a figure of factors, including the type of chemical, its concentration, the timing of its release, conditions conditions, and the organisms life in the country ( NOAA 2008 ) . By the mid 1980 ‘s, over 800 distinguishable chemical substances from these beginnings had been identified in the Great Lakes basin ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . Of these substances, the most relentless and toxic substances are polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) , dioxins, and furans ; the organochlorine pesticides dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethylene ( DDT ) , toxaphene, mirex, dieldrin, and hexachlorobenzene ( HCB ) , heavy metals methylmercury and alkylated lead ; and benzo [ a ] pyrene, a member of a category of substances known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) ( International Joint Commission 1987 ) . Datas on chemical concentrations indicate the major burdens of relentless toxic chemicals to the Great Lakes occurred between the 1950s and the 1970s, with peak concentrations happening in the mid 1970s ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . Peoples began to detect sick effects in fish, birds, and mammals, including marks of generative failure, biochemical alterations, inborn deformities, and population diminutions ( World Resource Institute 1998-99 ) . Scientists from NOAA ‘s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory explain the consumption of pollutants as follows: foremost, when organic contaminations reach Great Lakes Waterss, they do non readily fade out or organize chemical bonds with H2O molecules, alternatively, they stick ( adsorb ) to ticket organic-rich atoms, microscopic in size, nowadays in the H2O. Next, some atoms settle to the underside going portion of lake deposits, while other atoms remain suspended ; the aquatic animate beings actively feed on both digesti ng bacteriums and other microscopic nutrient beginnings carried on them. Finally, during digestion, animate beings absorb harmful contaminations as the atoms pass through their digestive piece of land. NOAA ‘s research workers conclude that: â€Å" contaminant exposure is more terrible for benthal ( bottom-dwelling ) animate beings populating in deposits at the lake underside, in add-on to a diet of contaminant-laden nutrient, contaminations can be absorbed across the animate being ‘s tegument, or through their gills as they extract dissolved O from H2O. †With continued exposure over the class of an animate being ‘s life, contaminant concentrations accumulate within the organic structure, if the animate being is eaten by a marauder, its organic structure load of contaminations is transferred, get downing the procedure of biomagnifications of contaminations up the nutrient concatenation. Humans who consume Great Lakes fish are besides at hazard ( NOAA 2005 ) . Biomagnifications of heavy metals is a concern in the Great Lakes, motivating the International Joint Commission to help the United States and Canada to implement the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement in 1972 ( International Joint Commission 1987 ) . Heavy metals such as lead, quicksilver, Zn, and Cd, are deposited with natural deposits in the undersides of Waterss where they dissolve. ( Keller 2011 ) . Most heavy metals were straight discharged into the Great Lakes from coal fired power workss, and municipal and medical waste incineration installations ( International Joint Commission 1987 ) . Heavy metal residue which becomes airborne is redeposited from the ambiance through rainfall ( Keller 2011 ) . Of greatest concern is the extremely toxic organic compound, methylmercury, which forms in rivers and lakes when micro-organisms metabolize metallic quicksilver. This toxic signifier of quicksilver so accumulates in fish and when ingested causes quicksilver poisoning in worlds ( World Resource Institute 1998-99 ) . Non point beginning pollution is caused by rainfall or snowmelt which carries pollutants such as fertilisers, weedkillers and pesticides from agricultural and residential countries ; oil, lubricating oil and toxic chemicals from urban overflow ; deposit from building sites, forest lands and gnawing stream Bankss ; salt from irrigation patterns and acerb mine drainage from abandoned mines ; bacteriums and foods from farm animal, pet wastes, and defective infected systems and deposits them into lakes and rivers ( EPA, What is Non-Point Source Pollution 1994 ) . Acid mine drainage is the consequence of sulphides ( discarded from mining operations ) which oxidize in the presence of H2O and micro-organisms to organize sulphuric acid ( H2SO4 ) ( Colmer and Hinkle 1947 ) . This acerb H2O is highly toxic to workss and animate beings in aquatic ecosystems and can potentially mobilise other harmful chemicals ( Keller 2011 ) . Arsenic is besides a extremel y toxic natural metal which besides has industrial and commercial utilizations in pesticides, weedkillers, antifungals, algaecides, wood preservatives, coal-tar, and pigment ( EPA, Where Would We Be Without the Great Lakes? 2010 ) . Most arsenic originates from atmospheric emanations from smelters, coal-burning power workss, and arsenical weedkiller sprays ; from H2O contaminated by mine shadowings, smelter wastes, and natural mineralization ; and particularly from the ingestion of Marine biology ( Eisler 1988 ) . In Eisler ‘s study to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, most research workers agree on the undermentioned points: ( 1 ) arsenous anhydride may be absorbed by consumption, inspiration, or through pervasion of the tegument or mucose membranes ; ( 2 ) cells accumulate arsenic by utilizing an active conveyance system usually used in phosphate conveyance ; ( 3 ) arsenicals are readily absorbed after consumption, most being quickly excreted in the piss during the first few yearss, or at most a hebdomad ; effects seen after long-run exposure are most likely the consequence of uninterrupted day-to-day exposure, instead than that of bioaccumulation ( Eisler 1988 ) . Nitrogen and P used in agribusiness to fertilise Fieldss creates a procedure known as â€Å" eutrophication †, where run-off of these inordinate foods enter waterways, increasing works life ( typically algae blooms ) which cover the Waterss surface barricading sunshine to workss below while devouring O as they decompose ; ensuing in the decease of fish and aquatic animate beings ( Keller 2011 ) . Biological pollution has become the greatest concern for the Great Lakes. Waterborne human diseases such as cholera, typhoid infections, hepatitis, and dysentery, are the consequence of hapless H2O sanitation. Indeed, several billion people are exposed to and about 2 million people will decease from these diseases each twelvemonth in developing states ( Keller 2011 ) . Cholera, which infects imbibing H2O, can be found in aquatic systems where it remains hibernating in phytoplankton and zooplankton ( Rapport, Costanza and McMichael 1998 ) . Natural jeopardies such as temblors, inundations and hurricanes can do exacerbate eruptions of these waterborne diseases ( Keller 2011 ) . Other environmental conditions that cause algal blooms, such as eutrophication from nitrate and phosphate overflow, and the proliferation of the zooplankton can besides increase the spread of cholera into human populations ( Rapport, Costanza and McMichael 1998 ) . Another important beginning of biological taint occurs when a installation discharges pollution straight into waterways at a peculiar â€Å" point †along its shore through a pipe or channel and hence considered â€Å" point beginning of pollution †( Salzman and Thompson 2010 ) . This includes sewage intervention workss and industrial installations such as oil refineries, mush and paper Millss, chemical, electronics and car makers ( NOAA 2008 ) . Additionally, there are installations that do non dispatch their wastes straight into a waterway but alternatively empty their wastes into the local sewerage system ( Salzman and Thompson 2010 ) . These sewage intervention workss treat human wastes and direct the treated wastewater to a watercourse or river ( NOAA 2008 ) . During periods of heavy rainfall, sewer systems can be overwhelmed, ensuing in the release of natural sewerage from combined sewer systems designed to roll up both storm H2O and healthful effluent ( EPA, Great Lakes Strategy 2002 ) . Separate healthful sewer systems can besides see untreated discharges related to wet conditions events. These can be caused by inordinate influx and infiltration, unequal care, and deficient moisture conditions conveyance capacity ( EPA, Great Lakes Strategy 2002 ) . Sanitary Sewer Overflows ( SSOs ) and untreated Combined Sewer Overflows ( CSOs ) can incorporate pathogens that lead to beach closings and human wellness concerns, every bit good as O demanding substances that can take to low dissolved O degrees ( EPA, Great Lakes Strategy 2002 ) . During these events, the biochemical oxygen-demanding waste overpowers the Waterss natural cleansing map ( Keller 2011 ) . Possibly the greatest concern of the twenty-first century is the debut and spread of invasive species which threaten the Great Lakes ( International Joint Commission 2002 ) . The primary beginning of aquatic invasive species comes from ships ‘ ballast H2O which they use to assist stabilise them at sea ( Potter n.d. ) . The debut of a individual species can do a sudden and dramatic displacement in the full ecosystem ‘s construction ( EPA, Great Lakes Strategy 2002 ) . New species can significantly alter the interactions between bing species ( and between those species and their inanimate environment ) , making ecosystems that are unstable and unpredictable ( International Joint Commission 2002 ) . The Asiatic Carp consume immense sums of the same nutrient eaten by native fishes, sharply out-competing and finally displacing them wholly ( Potter n.d. ) . Even the tiniest microscopic being found in ballast H2O can take clasp and do a important perturbation in the Great Lakes ( Potter n.d. ) . In each of these instances, harm occurred because native species and ecosystems were non capable of defying infection, infestation, predation or competition from the foreigner species ( International Joint Commission 2002 ) . Water is the most valuable resource we have, indispensable for life on Earth, and we have earnestly diminished the ability of these ecosystems for which we rely on. The human population growing has mostly contributed to the debasement and loss of H2O resources and ecosystems ( Vasseur, et Al. 2002 ) . Viewed as technological admirations, there was really small apprehension of the impact of man-made compounds and pesticides on the environment or human wellness ( Salzman and Thompson 2010 ) . Scientific grounds has helped exemplify some of the human and ecological costs of environmental debasement ( Vasseur, et Al. 2002 ) . Today, certain species of fish in the Great Lakes still have contaminations at high concentrations ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . Impacts of exposure to the same contaminations show an increased hazard of neurological and generative disfunction, birth defects, and malignant neoplastic disease ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . In 1969, the flickers that set the contamin ated Cuyahoga River on fire besides enkindled utmost public consciousness and concern for the environment ( Salzman and Thompson 2010 ) . Subsequently, in 1972, the Clean Water Act[ 1 ]was passed, modulating discharges of pollutants into Waterss and established H2O quality criterions ( EPA, History of the Clean Water Act 2010 ) . Though the Clean Water Act[ 2 ]and subsequent Amendments in 1977[ 3 ]would ensue in dramatic decrease of chemical contaminations, such as DDT and PCBs, farther decreases of pollutants will be much more hard to decide ( Tremblay and Gilman 1995 ) . Protecting natural resources and the ecosystems they support will go on to be a planetary concern for future coevalss. How to cite Assessing Contamination Of The Great Lakes Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Traits of the Hero Essay Example For Students
Traits of the Hero Essay HerculesTheseusJasonBirth/Childhood?Son of Zeus and his mortal mother, Alcmene. ?Brother is Iphicles. ?Hera was constantly trying to kill him.?Son of the Athenian King, Aegeus. ?Spent his childhood with his mother in southern Greece. We will write a custom essay on Traits of the Hero specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now ?Supposedly lived generation earlier. ?Son of king Aeson. Character Flaws?Loses control of himself when angry. ?Mixed personalities?Forgot to raise the white flag when he traveled home from Crete so his father thought he was dead and he killed himself. ?ForgetfulnessJourney/Quest?To complete the 12 labors in order to repent for killing his family and others assigned to him by Eurystheus. ?Accompanied Jason on the quest for the Golden Fleece. ?He traveled to Crete to be one of the sacrifices but he meant to kill the Minotaur. ?Succeeded by strangling the beast. ?Also accompanied Jason on the quest for the Golden Fleece.?To get the Golden Fleece back from Colchis and King Aetes. Tests/TrialsThe Twelve Labors:? The Nemean Lion? Lernean Hydra? Cerynitian Hind? Erymanthian Boar? Stables of Augeas? Stymphalian Birds?Cretan Bulls?Mares of Diomedes? Belt of Hippolyte? Cattle of Geryon? Apples of Hesperides?The Hound of Hades.?Being able to roll away the boulder to get to the sword and sandals. ?Dealing judgment to the bandits who harmed people traveling by the road.?Get through the Clashing Rocks. ?King Aetes made Jason face bronze feet, fire breathing bulls in the Trial of Courage. ?Whirlpool of Charybdis. ?Phineas and the Harpies. Guides/Helpers?Athena helped through many of the Labors. ?Ariadne and Daedalus helped Theseus get out of the Labyrinth.?Medea lured the serpent to sleep so Jason could get the Fleece. ?All of the Argonauts (Hercules, Orpheus, etc.)Special Objects?Nemean Lion skin?Sword and sandals that he was awarded with when he moved the boulder.?Argo (ship they traveled on)Positive Qualities?Extreme strength?Protection of the poor and defenseless?Peaceful except for when he is fightingSigns of Success ?He completed the twelve labors. ?Defeating the Minotaur and able to find his way out of the labyrinth. ?Completing the journey on the road dealing judgment to the bandits.?He achieved possession of the Golden Fleece. ?Was able to reach the Golden Fleece.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Definition and Examples of Non Sequiturs
Definition and Examples of Non Sequiturs Definition A non sequitur is a fallacy in which a conclusion does not follow logically from what preceded it. Also known as irrelevant reason and fallacy of the consequent. As illustrated below, non sequiturs are the products of many different kinds of errors in reasoning, including begging the question, false dilemma, ad hominem, the appeal to ignorance, and the straw man argument. Indeed, as Steve Hindes observes in Think for Yourself (2005), A non sequitur is any pretended jump in logic that doesnt work cleanly, perhaps because of unfounded premises, unmentioned complicating factors, or alternative explanations, such as This war is righteous because we are French! or You will do what I say because you are my wife! The Latin expression non sequitur means it does not follow. Pronunciation: non SEK-wi-terr Examples and Observations We realize that it would be in the best interest of the community and our children to address the issue expeditiously. In order to make this happen, I respectfully request an eight-month payment delay calling for payment of the $10 million obligation on August 31, 2015.(Savannah City Manager Stephanie Cutter in a letter to the citys superintendent of schools; reported in the Savannah Morning News, April 3, 2014)Warming was caused by sunspots, or fluctuations in the Earths orbit, or volcanic eruptions. Therefore it cannot be caused by mankind. The therefore is the giveaway, the delicious non sequitur: just because Earth has warmed for one or another reason in the past is no reason why it cannot warm for a completely different reason in the future.(John Llewellyn, In a Confusing Climate. The Observer, September 2, 2007)A Philosophers Non SequiturImmanuel Kant, considered by many to be the greatest philosopher of the modern period, would manage to let slip what is surely the greatest no n-sequitur in the history of philosophy: describing a report of something seemingly intelligent that had once been said by an African, Kant dismisses it on the grounds that this fellow was quite black from head to toe, a clear proof that what he said was stupid.(Justin E.H. Smith, The Enlightenments Race Problem, and Ours. The New York Times, February 10, 2013) Obvious Non SequitursNon sequiturs are most obvious when absurd. For instance, from the facts that most cats like milk and some cats have tails I could not derive the conclusion that David Hume was the greatest British philosopher. That would be a complete non sequitur that borders on the surreal, whether or not its conclusion is true. Non sequiturs are often advertised by the spurious use of so and therefore..., but the context of a statement can also suggest that it is a conclusion derived from what has gone before even when there is no such word used to indicate it.Any formal fallacy will have a non sequitur as its conclusion, though most of these non sequiturs will be less obvious than the one above.(Nigel Warburton, Thinking from A to Z. Routledge, 1996)Non Sequiturs in NewspapersNon sequiturs are most often encountered in newspapers, where constructions such as the following are common: Slim, of medium height, and with sharp features, Mr. Smiths technical skills are combined wi th strong leadership qualities (New York Times). What, we might ask, do Mr. Smiths height and features have to do with his leadership qualities?†(Bill Bryson, Brysons Dictionary of Troublesome Words: A Writers Guide to Getting It Right. Anchor, 2002) The Post Hoc and the Non SequiturThe difference between the post hoc and the non sequitur fallacies is that, whereas the post hoc fallacy is due to lack of a causal connection, in the non sequitur fallacy, the error is due to lack of a logical connection.(Mabel Lewis Sahakian, Ideas of the Great Philosophers. Barnes Noble, 1993)On the Lighter Side: Ralph Wiggums Non SequitursRalph Wiggum: Um, Miss Hoover? Theres a dog in the vent.Miss Hoover: Ralph, remember the time you said Snagglepuss was outside?Ralph Wiggum: He was going to the bathroom.(Sweet Seymour Skinners Baadasssss Song, The Simpsons)Ralph Wiggum: Martin Luther King had a dream. Dreams are where Elmo and Toy Story had a party and I was invited. Yay! My turn is over!Principal Skinner: One of your best, Ralphie.(The Color Yellow, The Simpsons, 2010)
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Writing an Email Salutations and Valedictions - Proofread My Paper
Writing an Email Salutations and Valedictions - Proofread My Paper Writing an Email: Salutations and Valedictions When writing an email for work or college, there are rules you should observe regarding the opening and closing messages. These are known as â€Å"salutations†and â€Å"valedictions.†The correct phrases to use for these depend on who you’re emailing. What are Salutations? A â€Å"salutation†is the greeting at the beginning of an email or letter. You’ll always need one of these unless you’re emailing someone you know well, as an email has to be addressed to someone! Dear or Hi? The correct salutation to use in an email depends on who you’re contacting and why you’re getting in touch. The traditional choice here is â€Å"Dear [Person’s name]†, such as in: Dear Donald, I’m writing today to let you know that†¦ However, this can seem quite formal. This is fine if you want your email to seem official (you may even want to use their title and surname). But otherwise a simple â€Å"Hi†or â€Å"Hello†is often good enough (and is becoming more common than â€Å"Dear†anyway): Hi Don! I’m writing today to let you know that†¦ As such, knowing which salutation to use is basically a judgment call based on how well you know the person you’re emailing. But what do you do if you don’t even know their name? In these cases, you can either use their job title (e.g., â€Å"Dear Hiring Manager†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) or a generic greeting, like â€Å"To Whom it May Concern†or â€Å"Dear Sir/Madam†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Usually, though, it’s better to find the name of the recipient and use that. This makes emailing the Man With No Name difficult. What are Valedictions? Since we’ve already explained that salutations are greetings, you’ve probably guessed that a â€Å"valediction†is the sign-off message at the end of an email or letter. Another term for a â€Å"valediction†is a â€Å"complimentary close,†but they describe exactly the same thing. How to Sign-Off an Email This also depends on how formal you’re being. If you know the recipient well, you might even skip the valediction altogether and just give your name instead. However, it’s generally a good idea to use some kind of sign-off. For everyday use, the valedictions â€Å"Kind regards†and â€Å"Best wishes†work well, whether in formal or informal settings. If you’re going for a more official tone, you might want to stick to traditional valedictions like â€Å"Yours faithfully,†â€Å"Sincerely yours,†or â€Å"Yours truly.†Each of these has a specific use: Yours faithfully = Writing to someone you don’t know (can seem a bit old-fashioned) Yours truly = Writing to someone you don’t know well (a little more up-to-date) Sincerely yours = Writing to someone you know (friendly but formal) As with salutations, this is ultimately a matter of judgement, so just go for what feels right! Say bye!(Source: funny 24h/YouTube)
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Cuban Missile Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cuban Missile Crisis - Research Paper Example This paper focuses on the Cuban missile crisis and the role of Kennedy in managing and promptly resolving the crisis. Cuban missile crisis Soviet Union approach In the early 1960s, the Soviet Union was much less powerful than the United States in the field of strategic nuclear missiles. During that time the United States was trying to cause the downfall of the communist government of Fidel Castro in Cuba. As USA was gaining power by developing strategic nuclear missiles, the Soviet Union felt it imperative to protect Cuba from a future USA attack by building nuclear arsenal in Cuba especially after the failed attempts by the US to conquer Cuba via operations like Bay of Pigs and Operation Mongoose2. Previous warning of Kennedy For some time back Soviet Union has been blatantly sending weaponry to Cuba including surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles. During that time Kennedy was occupied with his campaigning which was conducted by the Republicans for the congressional elections in Nov ember. To stay in the favorable view of the Republicans Kennedy at that time said that he would not interfere with Soviet Union’s alliance with Cuba but he warned that if Soviet Union would start sending offensive weapons to Cuba then the ‘the gravest issues would arise’. ... Kennedy’s National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy showed the president some photographs of the missiles which were taken from high altitudes by U-2 planes while flying over Cuba two days back. The CIA had already reviewed the photos and identified the objects as medium range ballistic missiles. The United States at that time held the leading position in the world in the field of nuclear weapons having more than 25,000 nuclear weapons in their arsenal. The Soviet Union had less than half of this figure4. The reason of delay in getting the photographs During the 1962 U.S. mid-term elections there was the fear of grave political and diplomatic consequences of the Soviet Union shooting down U-2 planes with their surface to air missiles. This resulted in the delay of sending U-2 planes over Cuba. This fear was overcome when John McCone who was the Director of Central intelligence persuaded Kennedy to give permission to send U-2 planes over Cuba and this course of action resulted i n the discovery of the nuclear arsenal that Soviet Union was building in Cuba. The arsenal had not yet become operational5. Kennedy’s handling of the crisis The Excomm Kennedy decided to consult a wide range of people before implementing any plans. He formed a small group called the Executive Committee of the National Security Council (Excomm) as his consultant. The members of the group included his brother Robert Kennedy who was an attorney general. All the conversations that were held in the meetings of the Excomm were recorded in a tape recorder that Kennedy had installed without the knowledge of the committee members6. Various options In the first day of the meeting all the members suggested bombing Cuba but the difference of opinion was on the scale of the attack. Kennedy and some others
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Marketing plan for the healthcare company (nursing home service) Assignment
Marketing plan for the healthcare company (nursing home service) - Assignment Example It is evident from the study that demographic structure has always played substantial differences among countries. Current demographic structure consists of two major categories. First is the ageing population of the countries and second is the young population of countries. Many underdeveloped and developing countries are facing issues related to the sizes of demographics in their countries. Underdeveloped and developing countries generally do not have such infrastructure. Lack of education, inadequate healthcare services, lightning problems, destruction of natural resources, lack of means of up-to-date communication and deficiency of transportation systems are some major reasons which increase the problems of senior citizens of many developing countries. Increase in employment in urban areas lead the younger population to migrate from rural to urban areas in order to seek jobs. Parents of those young people do not feel easy in leaving the area of which they have been used to for a long period of time. This reason has lead to the concentration the population older people in rural areas. In rural areas, they have to face more problems than that of urban areas. Having no one to care for them is another issue. Many associations and acts for securing old age rights have been established but there seems very less implementation on them. Strategies and policies should be strictly followed in order to protect the rights of senior citizens in every country. ... Parents of those young people do not feel easy in leaving the area of which they have been used to for a long period of time. This reason has lead to the concentration the population older people in rural areas. In rural areas, they have to face more problems than that of urban areas. Having no one to care for them is another issue. Many associations and acts for securing old age rights have been established but there seems very less implementation on them. Strategies and policies should be strictly followed in order to protect the rights of senior citizens in every country. Marketing Analysis In previous times, families used to take care of their parents and their problems related to ageing. But due to the changing trend, it is no longer applicable in today’s situation. NGOs and churches hardly take the complete responsibility and this leaves with a question that should happen now. The percentage of people above 75 is growing rapidly. At the same time, the increased needs of their healthcare, provides career opportunities to women for nursing. Nursing shortage can be another hurdle in taking better care of aged population. In general, people seeking for skilled nursing and assistance in living care have much similar needs, including: Treatment and plan of living To be taken care by skilled and knowledgeable nurses, clinicians. To be treated with dignity and respect. Getting actively engaged in activities like some kind of community Nowadays, it has become essentially necessary provide awareness to people regarding the benefits of health care centres and old age home services. By doing proper promotion and utilizing the sources of media, it can be done easily. Old aged population generally have to suffer a lot specially in
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Supply Chain Management Case Study: Walmart
Supply Chain Management Case Study: Walmart 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aim of this work is to understand the Supply Chain Management What are the essences of SCM ? In order to complete the aim of this work the objectives are: Learn more about Supply Chain Management ( Origins) The needs of Supply Chain Management for the Organisations The Benefits of Doing So The Objectives and the fundamental elements of SCM: Examine common cases to find the current issues And for finish Evaluate the improvments accordings to the contribution to the results wanted. 1.3 INFORMATION SOURCES Both secondary and primary data will be discussed in this dissertation Information used will have the latest data and statistics according to researched literature and online data from various articles, journals, newspapers , annual reports Secondly, after revising the collected secondary data and formulating the current issues and problems I will include graphs and answers from my own personal sources that were collected threw out all the work .Thirdly, I will explain the primary and write a discussion followed by the summary of main findings and completed with conclusion. 1.5 THE SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY current research is limited by the fact that is it rather unlikely for companies to provide data related to our business and strategies plans.For this reasons, although my interviews answer was brief, i tried to summarize my research by taking some general answer related to this case i mean Organisation strategies found in the internet. DISERTATION STRUCTURE Following the introduction of the problem, aims, objectives and method of the deep research ,the chapters will structured as: Chapter two; will provide information from the literature review as from written published journals , books, websites and other work that have been already discussed by other authors It will give detailed understandingSupply Chain Management, the needs for SCM ;The benefits for doing so ; the fundamentals elements of SCM and the Supply chain Management issues.this chapter will have good presentation on latest events related to SCM Chapter three: , which gives the general idea and introduction to Supply Chain Management and its historical development Chapter four; examines The Supply Chain Mangament structure process The Key components I mean the fundamenals elements Chapter five;Examines the issues in SCM by discussing problems and available positive changes in order to identify solutions by later discussion and evaluation of the current progress and future plans in improving SCM conditions.. Chapter six:is a General introduction to Wal mart with his Supply chain explained, order to implement everything I say and quote in my previous research. Chapter seven; summarize on the topic from the discussion of chapter six and drawing conclusion based upon the information in previous chapters. Chapter eight; final part of work will include the list of most often used references CHAPTER 1 1.1.1 Introduction to Supply Chain Management This chapter will be an introduction the Supply Chain Manageent and its principles as it is important to understand the scope of the area in order to discuss its current situation. Lets go to the origin of logistics and its evolution to the concept of Supply Chain Management. Although broadly defined in some dictionaries. The definition of the CNL (Council of Logistics Management) differs slightly: Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans , implement and controls the efficient , effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirements. Logistics has its origins in the armies. Its presented successively as part of military operations that the group which coherent in arms champagne live, move and fight in the best conditions of efficiency to become the area is by all problems relating to supply of all natures, in their delivery and for their distribution through base and transit operations. According to Chopra, Sunil and Peter Meindl(2004). Supply Chain Consist of allparties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request. The Supply Chain not only includes the manufacturer and suppliers, but organization, such as manufacturer, the supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and filling a customer request.Theese functionsinclude, but are not limited to, new product development, marketing, operations, distribution, finance and customer service. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION This literature review is written about Supply Chain Management. The research for this piece of work is based on how organizations put into operation an effective Supply Chain Management. Throughout this literature review, i will demonstrate knowledge of Supply Chain Management ; Explain the need to manage a Supply Chain Management and describe the benefit of doing so. I will also look at the objectives and list fundamental elements of Supply Chain Management and examinate possible issues on Supply Chain Management. Information about this piece of work are collected from various sources such as books and online journals Modules lectures listed after: Ronald H. Ballou in Business logistics/supply chain management 5th ed Martin Christopher logistics and supply chain management 3rd ed Gerard Baglin management industriel et logistique 4th ed A case study of Ceramic HG. Willian. J. Stevenson Operation Management Donald Waters Supply Chain Management an introduction to Logistics 2nd ed Keywords: Supply Chain Management: The context of continuous evolution is still more advance level of competition, the success of an enterprise is not only the management of core activities but also depends on relationships and supply management. Thus, upstream and downstream of the SCM, a company needs to manage relationships with customers and suppliers. Ordinarily, the increasing trend of outsourcing maintains this requirement. The Supply chain is the organization that provides(in human beings, organizations ). SCM (Supply Chain Management) is in charge for organizing the supply by the managing of flows in the context of the company. The basic principle of SCM is that gets a worse result by optimizing every element of the chain, rather than optimizing the overall chain (the sum of the optima of each element of the chain is less than the global optimum ) A product is never made throughout by the same company. Many suppliers, intermediates and subcontractors implicated in different phases of product realization. Traditionally, communication between stakeholders is minimized. To ensure hazards, each form of stocks more or less important, expensive( Gerard Baglin 2005)The slightest error restraints the flow and interrupts the chain which is penalized. Supply Chain Management wants to ensure the overall fluidity while ensuring greater flexibility. It provides the shift from production-oriented product to a customer-centric-production(Olivier Bruel 2005 ). The Need for Supply Chain Management: The essence of supply chain is to maximise value and reduce total cost across the entire trading process through focusing on speed and the certainty of response to the market (Tom McGuffog). Since companies improves toward virtual, real-time organizational structures, a new set of Supply Chain Management capabilities will come into sight, and that permits the user to react rapidly to the market demand. Due to globalization, Supply Chain Management has turn out to be a means for companies to compete efficiently at local as well as global scale. It became a fundamental element for companies, especially when it comes to deliver services at a competitive cost and high quality. Now days, product and services have no value unless they are in the possession of the customer when (time) and where (place) they wish to consume them Ronald H. Ballou (1999; p13) . According to William.J. Stevenson( 2008 ) the needs for Supply Chain Management are these followings ? Developing operations Increasing levels of outsourcing Increasing transportation costs Competitive pressures Increasing globalization Increasing importance of e-commerce Complexity of supply chains Managing inventories As stated before, Supply chain management creates an efficient and integrated company. It plays considerable roles when it comes to reduction of costs and time by channelizing the products into appropriate distribution channels in order to enable the goods to reach the end consumers on time. Those above are not the only benefit of supply chain management. William J. Stevenson identified benefits of SCM as follow: Lower inventories Higher productivity Greater agility Shorter lead times Higher profits Greater customer loyalty Integrates separate organizations into a cohesive operating system. Elements of Supply Chain Management: There are three types of Supply Chain Management elements, namely: Strategic Tactical Operational Issues on Supply Chain Management: According to TMG ( Transportation Management Group Inc ) article published the 24 Jan-2000. Nowadays, the Supply Chain Management world, companies are required to focus on developing the necessary capabilities to address key business issues. Getting product from the vendor to the shelf to fulfil consumer demand has been identified as one of the critical business issues. To address this issue, organizations must center on building a flow management capability. As an initiative to support this capability, companies need to optimize their distribution network to enable merchandise flow. This optimized distribution network must also support key changes associated with the new merchandise flow strategies. The optimized distribution network must support product assortments, order practices, replenishment methods, replenishment quantities, increase in imports if applicable, and new store formats that will require stores operating at much lower inventory levels than today. A preliminary analysis of existing Supply Chain Operating models indicate that there are significant opportunities to rationalize current distribution center networks by exploring new flow path options. These alternatives are driven by many factors. The following are high level attributes and the issues that must be addressed with each of them. The mains issues on Supply Chain Management retained are these followings: Customer Demands Cost Issues Consolidation/Partnering Globalization Technology Government Regulatory Agencies Throughout my research we will detail each of them. 1.1 Supply Chain Management: Supply Chain Management, SCM, defines the control of the supply chain from the first supplier to end customer. Supply Chain Management aims to assess as accurately as the needs, availability and capacity of each link in the supply chain and manufacturing, to better synchronize and serve customers in the best possible conditions. Basically we can conclude that the SCM Supply Chain Management helps improve the flow and time while controlling costs. http://rmdonovan.web6.hubspot.com/Portals/61797/images/image002.gif According to 2011 R. Michael Donovan Co Figure SC-2 The standard manufacturing supply chain shows the traditional flow of information and materials to and from the customers and the suppliers through the company. The processes within the supply chain typically have a strong correlation to the traditional silo organizational functions within a manufacturing company, including sales, engineering, manufacturing, distribution, and accounting. The business process flows across an organization, but communication, accountability, and reward systems flow vertically. This organizational and process contradiction often impedes supply chain effectiveness. ( Hanfield,2002, p.9) that supply chain can see in two angles, internal one for the company and external for the supplier .A supplier for this company has his own set of suppliers that provide input. Supply Chain are essentially a series of linked suppliers and customers until products reach the ultimate customer. In the world Supply Chain Management, we have three words the first word is Supply ; the second one Chain and the third one Management. Definition of Management The fact is that different supply chain in every day world exist wether they are managed or not. If one of the organization will actively implement any of supply chain management concepts explained further on in the thesis, the supply chain as a phenomenon of business will still exist but will probably not act in a rational, coordinated way. Supply chain management therefore requires active management efforts by the organisations within the supply chain. What is an organisation? Lipovec 1987, p35) defines organization as the composition of relationships between people, who by relationships become members of a formed social unit. Organisation ensure the existence and specific characteristics of the social unit and rational achievement of goals. According to Rozman(2000, p15) there are 3 process in a organisation assuring rational achievement of goals: organization process, coordination process, and decision making process. The organisational process are defined as goal oriented processes of ensuring the rationality The Way Spain Was by Neruda: Analysis The Way Spain Was by Neruda: Analysis The Way Spain Was is in the poetic collection Third Residence, which Neruda had written when he was a member of the Communist Party of the Chile. He is very much concerned about the common people of the land. Although his mind is burdened with seething social issues, he spoke as simply as possible to communicate his sentiments to the public. He recounts with passion the repeated suffering recorded in the history of Spain. How unto crying out, unto the very soul I live your barren soil and your rough bread, your stricken people! How in the depths of me grows the lost flowers of your villages, timeless, impossible to budge, your tracts of minerals bulging like oldsters under the moon, devoured by an imbecile god. The poet brings out the harsh realities of life through various images. Fresh bloom of life that cannot be found, the lost flower of your villages continues to clamour in his mind. He is enraged that an idiot like god is punishing the land that he loves. Through the deep love for Chile he begins to consider Spain as his motherland. When he witnessed the ruins of Machuchu Pichchu, his love for the land became more intense. His mourning for the Spains glorious past is evident in the words our stricken people. Silence and isolation are repeated and cries of Taut and dry Spain, this phrase shows the core of his sensibility and the memories of war reminds him of the dull and loud sound of drums. In spite of the fertility of Spain the poet is more concerned about the inhabited of the land affected by the civil war and dictatorship. He is very much conscious of the Spanish soil aged by years of sunlight and of regions invades by various races. your harsh wine and your sweet wine. Your violent and delicate vineyards. Stone of the sun, pure among territories, Neruda also mourns for his best friend Garcia Lorca and Miguel Hernandez, who died in the Spanish civil war. Spain veined with bloods and metals, blue and victorious, this clearly shows the history of king discoverers and the tragedy of civil war which made him Republican and he uses his poetry as a weapon to fight against the violence. The ordinary people of the society i.e, the common people are suppressed and their lifes plight is showcased clearly in the line proletariat of petals and bullets/ alone alive, somnolent, resounding. The people of rich fertile land are depended on their daily labours; their life is beautiful with the horror of war in it. Opposition of ideas can be seen in the words sweet and harsh, in violent and delicate in petals and bullets these words confirms that Neruda is fighting against the suppression of proletariat He writes about a poor, but beautiful Spain, historically rich and glorious in the past, crushed and destroyed in the present. It is a fact that Pablo Neruda openly reacted to the contemporary political events in Spain and his own country that made him summaries his own life as follows: I have had to fight and struggle, love and sign. I have had to see the breaking world, the triumph and the defeat. I tasted the bread and the blood. What more can a poet want? And all the alternatives, from the songs to the kisses, from the solitude to the people, exist in my poetry, participate in it, because I have lives for my poetry, and my poetry has sustained me. Intense feeling for the colonised people is very much seen along with the reaction to the social and political events in his mother country. Discoverers of Chile is taken from Canto General, Nerudas the most important work. First, it was conceived as Canto General of Chile and later became the general song of America, i.e., Canto General. The new practice of addressing to an audience, communicating with a group of people becomes more specific in Canto General, a collection of poems that are often called epic poems of Chile. Published in 1950 and divided into fifteen sections, these poems tell the tale of Latin American people. Songs of Canto General were composed over twelve years, which are also considered years of militant Neruda. Many sections of Canto General are dedicated to workers and peasants whose homes and experiences the poet had shared so many times. While reading these poems one feels that these are the people who are lending their voice to his poetry. Through these poems Neruda explains how his people were oppressed and exploited first by the conquerors and then by the dictators, the collection ends with an autobiographical account of him. Neruda celebrates the mysteries of South America, its flora and fauna, and gazes with wonder at an antique civilisation that really belongs to pre-Columbian days. Discoverers of Chile is taken from Canto General, Nerudas the most essential work. To begin with, it was considered as Canto General of Chile and later turned into the general melody of America, i.e., Canto General. The new routine of tending to a crowd of people, speaking with a gathering of individuals turns out to be more particular in Canto General, an accumulation of lyrics that are regularly called epic sonnets of Chile. Distributed in 1950 and isolated into fifteen segments, these ballads tell the story of Latin American individuals. Tunes of Canto General were made more than twelve years, which are additionally considered years of aggressor Neruda. Many segments of Canto General are devoted to laborers and workers whose homes and encounters the writer had shared such a variety of times. While perusing these lyrics one feels that these are the general population who are loaning their voice to his verse. Through these lyrics Neruda clarifies how his kin were persecuted and abus ed first by the winners and afterward by the despots, the gathering closes with a personal record of him. Neruda praises the riddles of South America, its greenery, and looks with marvel at an antique civilisation that truly has a place with pre-Columbian day In the first line poet discovers the history of the invaders, who they are and from where they come? The word à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾northà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸ indicates European country mainly the Spain. The Spanish force entered Chile under the commanding ship of Almagro (in some translation instead of Almagro, pronoun he is used, he can be a suggestive of Pedro de Valdivia, who followed the route of Diego de Almagro in 1541 and established the colony at Santiago). He may also indicate any or all of the conquerors of Chile. The Conquers entered into the land with gunshots. The poet calls his country as my thin country. The strong forces suppressed the small country Chile which suffered in silence. From the north Almagro brought his crushed ember: And over the territory, between explosion and sunset The poet uses various images to stress his point of suppression of the country like the Spaniard meeting with his dry figure; shadows of thorn and coal covering it with mysterious kisses. Again, he personifies Chile as an old man with a white beard, which is actually the foam from the sea. It is a veiled suggestion that his people couldnt hold out for a long period against the powerful invaders and so were compelled to surrender, to merge their own history and culture with that of their colonial masters. Neruda admits that the Spaniard did succeed in conquering his undiscovered territory that lay beyond the seas and in ruling over the angry and yellow-coloured people of his land. They also succeeded in giving birth to a new civilisation that slowly and surely supplanted the old one of the native Indians like dropping the excrement (dung) by a sea-eagle that was hovering and circling above the sky. Neruda starts with the history of the Spanish settlers in Chile, enamoured as they were by tales of richness and of wealth. Thus, we have a land where coal covers it with mysterious kisses and Gold burns, Silver illuminates. The imagery emanates with light and colour contrasted by shades of darkness that only emphasises the relationship between the colonisers and the Indian people the vanquished, and again Chiles intrinsic relationship with Spain. It is continuous Eurocentric history that is only displaced by the myth of creation, probably Amerindian, where the eagle drops a strip of land in the sea and a country is born. Neruda describes his country in its actual physical form, in simple phrase such as my thin country and silence lies in its long line. This contains an indirect suggestion that the people could not hold out against the powerful invaders and so were compelled to merge their own history and culture with that of the masters. The sea appears as a descri ptive factors and as a person whose marine beard all lifes follows. Neruda begins with the historical backdrop of the Spanish pilgrims in Chile, captivated as they were by stories of lavishness and of riches. In this manner, we have a land where coal covers it with mysterious kisses and Gold burns , Silver illuminates . The symbolism radiates with light and shading differentiated by shades of dimness that lone accentuates the connection between the colonizers and the Indian individuals the vanquished, and again Chiles characteristic association with Spain. It is persistent Eurocentric history that is just uprooted by the myth of creation, likely Amerindian, where the hawk drops a segment of land in the ocean and a nation is conceived. Neruda portrays his nation in its real physical frame, in basic expression, for example, my thin country and silence lies in its long line. This contains an aberrant recommendation that the general population couldnt hold out against the effective intruders as were constrained to consolidate their own history and cultur e with that of the experts. The ocean shows up as distinct components and as a man whose marine beard all lifes takes after. Discovered in 1911 by the American explorer Hiram Bingham, Macchu Picchu is an Inca stronghold in the Peruvian Andes near the modern city of Cuzco. Nothing is known of its history and it appears that it was never discovered by the Spanish Conquistadors. Bingham himself believed that the site was the last refuge of the Incas from the invading Spanish. In The Heights of Macchu Picchu, The poet meanders through the world as a empty net assembling nothing from the world. He dives his hand into the earth and finds the sulfurous peace of the world and its spent human springtime. Neruda asks what is the indestructible, the perpetual, life on the planet. The concentration shifts from the writer himself as he battles however the world and he sees that the whole world is in a comparable circumstance. The artist depicts the lives of individuals on the planet as they battle with living. Every day people die their little deaths. many deaths comes to each Every day a little death. He climbs to Macchu Picchu as he climbs he gains an insight into the history of the place. The stellar void of the final steps and the vertiginous spiralling road He thinks about the general population who lived there once. Presently the place is unfilled there is nobody in the land. He ponders who construct the city there whose remains are still there. He feels the vacancy, Today the vacant air does not sob anymore. Neruda addresses the lost Incas of Peru: you tumbled as in pre-winter to a solitary passing. He says that they live on in the stones of Macchu Picchu. Once the land is possessed by individuals yet now the land is vacant with its remnants. The land can be the casualty of misuse of colonizers. He feels for the grand past of the nation. He asks where is the man? among the uncovered stones. Did Macchu Picchu construct itself? Neruda needs to think about the general population who had once strolled the roads. He dives his hand into the earth a moment time and finds Man. At the point when the excited condor beats my sanctuaries I dont see the quick animal. Instead, I see the man of old. Now Neruda loses all association with his European past; he is presently an American and his family relationship is with its indigenous individuals. Neruda addresses the local people groups, specifically the workers, weavers, bricklayers, and so forth. He requests that they Ascend to be conceived with me, my sibling. Neruda feels his own otherworldly resurrection and a resurrection of the dead individuals of the Americas. The poem ends: Cling to my body like magnets Hasten to my veins and to my mouth Speak through my words and my blood. Nerudas Elementary Odes are also a mastery of expression and imagery where he raises useful but mundane objects to sublime heights. His poetry cultivates simplicity of language and simplicity of technique; and his purpose is to strip his writings of any distorted or complex factors that may impede the understanding of the reader. His tone is optimistic and positive, and Ode to the Tomato is a wonderful example of a poem that presents a pictorial description of a salad making to which a reader can add the more profound meaning culled from an American culture. In the poem Neruda uses the image of tomato as a symbol of coloniser. This is very clearly seen in the lines, The street drowns in tomato: noon summar, light breaks in two tomato halves and the street run with juice. Here the poet uses the tomato to represent the invasion of Spanish and Portuguese colonial in South America. Tomato is the one of the major crops in Spain. So the poet indirectly symbolizes the Spanish people with tomato. And that the tomato spread all over the streets of Chile like the juice. When cut, the two/tomato/halves looks like the two hemispheres to which Chile and Spain belong, the only difference being that it is summer in Chile in December (as it belongs to the Southern Hemisphere) and winter in Spain (as it belongs to the Northern Hemisphere). The coloniser doesnt need any permission to enter or occupy the land. That has been in the lines, the tomato cuts loose, invades kitchens South America is conquered, suppressed, exploited by the colonialism. The coloniser of Chile (Spanish people) enters into the kitchen of Chile peoples house and occupies their places without any proper permission from them. Each line of this poem is unusually short, containing no more than one to four words. The line structure causes the reader to look at the next and then the next line to complete the action that has begun, of preparation of the salad that is an essential part of the midday meal in both South American and European countries, especially Spain. Thus, Neruda starts with the season when the tomatoes fill the stalls of vegetables vendors and their colour, though not mentioned, instantly captures the attention. The two tomato halves are also reminiscent of the two hemispheres to which the countries Chile and Spain belong. It is not until the word December appears that we realise that the summer the poet is speaking about is of course one and the same in Southern hemisphere. The fact that the tomato breaks its bounds and invades/kitchens remains us of another takeover of their lands and their culture by the Spanish colonisers who came in the wake of Columbus. Neruda brings the picture of culinary delight to emphasize the union of two cultures. The Spanish people, who invaded Chile, sustained a relationship through marriage and by which there formed a mixture of culture of two races- the American (Red) Indians and the Europeans (Whites). This union is poetically explained in the lines: beds cheerfully with the blonde onion, and to celebrate oil the filial essence of the olive tree lets itself fall over its gapping hemispheres, the pimento adds its fragrance, salt its magnetism- The process of cooking aromatic salad mentioned in the poem indirectly speaks about the mixing of one culture with the other. The line we have the days wedding suggests the image of colonisation. Of course, the salads bowl with its olive and pimentos also suggests a cheerful lending of Chilean and Spanish culture. In fact, the melting-pot culture of America has now been replaced by the concept of the salad bowl where all the colours can mix without any losing their original shape, form, individuality and identity. Neruda races ahead to the meal that beckons with its aromas. There is immediacy when he writes, its time! Lets go! there is celebration and joy in this meal. the festival/or ardent colour/and all-embracing freshness. It is a veritable joining of cultures, at least through the common denominator of food. Spanish colonization over Chile can be characterized as pilgrim colonization, wherein the colonizers blend with the colonized and the division between the two societies is obscured. The conquistadors took it on themselves to be a piece of the foundation and not disparage the status of the colonized. They shared culture, dialect and wound up noticeably one with the occupants of their settlement. This is one reason why Nerudas verse does not contain any contempt towards Spain. This is especially apparent in the words like a goodly majesty, we have the days / wedding. There is no threatening vibe towards the colonizers of any sort. Neruda considers himself to be an epitome of the Spanish culture, as the writer of damaged human nobility who brings alive a landmass fate and dreams According to Jaime Alazraki, Neruda is not simply chronicling verifiable occasions but rather re-translating them with an unmistakable standpoint of history. Hes glancing back at American pre-history and analyzi ng the lands rich, normal legacy. Postcolonial literature often focuses on the suppression, oppression, identity crisis, alienation, and cultural identity etc, faced by the natives of the colonised land. But the poems of Neruda present the theme of post colonialism in a different way, here though the atrocities of colonisers are portrayed he never hates them, instead celebrates the mingling of culture. The Way Spain Was records the sufferings of people recorded in the history of Spain as a colony through many harsh images. The land blessed with natures bounty was destroyed in the civil war. He traces the history of Spain the present invaders were once invaded by many. Through many opposing images the horror of war and the plight of the affected people are portrayed effectively. Discoverers of Chile brings out the pain of suppressed people under the rule of dictators. As a historian he discovers the past glory of the thin country and also its invaders. Silent sufferings of the native people and how they are compelled to merge culturally with the invaders are resented in this short poem in an emphatic manner. In The Heights of Macchu Picchu though he describes the beauty of the landscape he is in search of the lost identity and the glorious past of the place. Now there is no man and he investigates where he has gone? The ruins found in the place give a hint to the colonial invasion. In the poem Ode to The Tomatoes his love for the Spanish and Chilean collaboration is very much evident when he tells about the process of cooking salads. As he aromatically describes the mingling of different ingredients in the preparation of salad, his love for the mixed culture and the coloniser can be clearly seen.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Biblical Accuracy
January 3, 2012/17 Rhetoric I Ask In Kennedy's inaugural address he pledges to help the people around the world who â€Å"struggle to break the bonds of misery. †He wishes to help these people because it is the right thing to do. This shows that there was much poverty around the world at the time. Even the rich needed help; Kennedy said, â€Å"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, then it cannot save the few who are rich. †Kennedy also wanted to assure the survival and success of liberty. He wanted every nation to know that America would do anything to preserve and spread liberty. In his inaugural address, Kennedy uses the oxymoron â€Å"peaceful revolution. †He was referring to the peace he wanted to maintain with Mexico. Likewise Kennedy wanted to pursue and attain world peace. In his 1961 inaugural speech, Kennedy states numerous times the achievement of world peace. He understood that peace would be difficult to accomplish. Therefore he made a request to the enemy to begin anew a quest for peace. He states that the only way to achieve peace would be to have â€Å"arms sufficient beyond doubt†because only then will they be certain to never be used on each other. Yet peace is a distant dream because both sides are frantic to not be outdone by the opposing force. Which goes back to what Kennedy said, â€Å"let us begin anew. †A way to achieve harmony is to â€Å"let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. †Another way to attain serenity according to Kennedy, is to have both sides explore what will unite them instead of dwelling on what separates them. Lastly, a way to unite the world would be to explore the endless wonders of science together. Kennedy explains this specific road to tranquility by using parallelism. Kennedy's words on obtaining peace suggest that a war, the cold war precisely, was occurring. John F. Kennedy is considered to be one of America's greatest presidents. It's not hard to see why with his elaborate, inspirational speeches. Kennedy loved America and wanted the best for her, peace, freedom, unity, and liberty. It was JFK that said these motivational words, â€Å"United, there is little we cannot do†¦ Divided there is little we can do. â€Å"
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Great Depression and the Dirty Thirties - 989 Words
There were many causes of the Great Depression (need help on the first sentence). Yes, the stock market crash was a main reason of the Depression, but it actually began long before that, with the Roaring 20’s. With such a large disparity between the rich and the poor, the overproduction of goods (too much too quickly), and people racing to buy stocks, it was only fitting that it would soon come to an end. Before it actually crashed, the stock market played an important factor leading up to the Great Depression as well. As people were borrowing money to pay for stocks (on margin), they became more and more in debt, and caused the stock market crash to be a huge surprise to them. During the summer of 1929, an â€Å"ordinary recession†occurred,†¦show more content†¦Meanwhile, during 1933, unemployment skyrocketed, with a total of 11 million people (25% of America) looking for work. 1933 was also a big year for the Dust Bowl, with over 38 dust storms reported duri ng the year. Farmers, who had not been thriving since before the Progressive Era, took a turn for the worse when the Depression hit. Due to poor farming techniques over the years and sustained drought, the Plains winds rose billowing clouds of dust to the skies, known as dust storms, which could last for days. When farmers plowed the grasslands too deeply, the ground cover, which held the soil in place, slowly vanished, and so the storms raged on. Although the farms outdoors were suffering, homes suffered as well. People did their best to seal the homes, covering every crack with cloth, and laying damp sheets over doorways and windows, but even the most well-sealed homes could have an inch-thick layer of dust covering their furniture. Children had to walk to school wearing damp cloths over their mouths and handkerchiefs covering their eyes in a futile attempt to avoid letting the dust in. Some farmers tried new farming techniques or simply waited out the storms. However, quite a few farmers moved out west to California or Oregon, looking for a new life. Although the Dust Bowl continued until 1939, a plethora of Second New Deal programs helped provide new jobs for farmers and helped theShow MoreRelatedLasting Effects Of The Great Depression Essay1627 Words  | 7 PagesShaikh October 25, 2016 The Lasting Impact of the Great Depression in Canada 1929-1939 The Great Depression was a period in time where millions of Canadians had suffered from hunger, unemployment, homelessness and an economic downfall. The horror of the Great Depression took place in 1929-1939 and had lasted for a decade affecting millions of people worldwide. However, Canada had been impacted the most. The lasting horror of the Great Depression resulted in disastrous impacts on the economy. ThisRead MoreThe Decade Known as The Great Depression840 Words  | 4 PagesThe decade known as the Great Depression was an era filled with both hardship and tribulation. 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